“Coin Concept's indicators have truly transformed my trading strategy. The accuracy and reliability are unmatched. Highly recommend!”
Sophia L.
Pro Pack Bundle
Want it all? Then all you need is the PRO PACK
We took the best indicators from our previous Bundle Pack with over 3,900+ downloads and added in never-before-seen TradingView indicators to give you the ultimate trading indicator pack.
You will receive access to 15 total indicators immediately after purchase.
*Trades In Favor *11 Indicators Included
*Price vs. Whale Money Flow
*Breakout Detector
*Trend Dashboard
About us
Coin Concept is dedicated to providing traders with the highest quality crypto currency indicators. Founded with the mission to demystify the complexities of crypto trading, we offer tools that empower traders to make informed decisions. Our indicators are crafted by experts in the field, ensuring that you receive reliable and actionable data. We understand the fast-paced nature of the crypto market, and our products are designed to help you stay ahead. In addition to our high-quality indicators, we pride ourselves on exceptional customer service and efficient delivery services to ensure you have what you need, when you need it. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, Coin Concept is here to support your journey.